Sagepay OpenCart Integration Guide

Getting your SagePay API credentials

You will need to retrieve your Integration Key (username) and Integration Password. You can do this by following the steps below:

Step 1: Log in to MySagePay

Go to MySagePay in either the TEST or LIVE environment and log in using the Administration log in details that were provided to you during the setup of the account.
Once you are logged in as the Administrator, in the Password details section of the Administrator tab you will see an option to ‘Create API credentials’.

Step 2: Create API credentials

To create your credentials you just have to select the tick-box labelled “I understand that this will create new credentials and may break any existing Sage Pay API implementations.” and click on the ‘Create API credentials’ button.
When you choose to create new credentials, any previously generated credentials are immediately rendered invalid. Therefore, if you have already integrated with our REST API, you will not be able to authenticate your calls until you replace your expired credentials with the ones you just generated.
Once you have opted to create your new credentials we will present you with the following information:
►  Environment: This specifies the environment for which the credentials apply (test or live)
►  Vendor Name: The vendorname for the account
►  Integration Key: The value for the Integration key (username)
►  Integration Password: The value for the Integration password

Step 3: Save credentials

It is important that you store these credentials safely and securely. If you lose them, you will need to generate a new set of credentials using the same process. Please note that these credentials are only valid for PI and not for any legacy Sage Pay integration methods
Trexle extension can be installed to your OpenCart store in two ways:
1st method
Download Trexle – OpenCart extension from Trexle GitHub repository
Go to your OpenCart admin panel, navigate to Extensions -> Extension Installer.
Then click the blue Upload button and provide the route to the Trexle extension you’ve just downloaded.

Click the blue Continue button. If successful, you should get a green “Success: You have installed your extension!” message.

2nd method

Go to your Sagepay OpenCart Admin panel and then open the Extensions menu. You will see OpenCart Marketplace

Enter ‘Trexle’ in the search field and click on the Trexle extension displayed in the search results.
Click on the ‘Download’ tab and then on the ‘Install’ button.

Wait for the progress bar to notify you of the successful installation of the Trexle extension.

Each card number will provide you with a different result when processing a transaction to ensure your website can handle all possible responses from our system.
Along with the different 3D Secure results each card type will return you are also able to test cards issued from multiple countries.


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